Hate To Love

sav“Hate to Love” has a different meaning to everyone. Hate to Love applies tremendously in golf, although it also applies in everyday life.

Golf is a sport that people can love at any age. It is also a sport that you can play all of your life. I’ve met people from all over the United Sates while playing in tournaments. The friendships you make on the course will be with you for the rest of your life.

The hate part of golf is completely up to the person playing. If you hate the game of golf, it is probably a result of how you performed on a particular day. Everyone will have a bad day here and there, but continuing to strive to be the best you can be is what makes you work hard and focus on the game.

I have played in local, regional, and national golf tournaments over the past few years. I can definitely say I love golf.  I love practicing and playing. On the flip side, at times I have hated golf as well. In a few tournaments, I have gone into the last day only a few strokes from the lead and ended up in the middle of the pack. I have not quite figured out how that happened yet. Another example is that some people hate practicing golf but love playing golf.  These are perfect examples of Hate to Love and Love to Hate.

People strive to be the best they can be at the stuff they love to do. Sometimes we get so caught up in doing what we love that we mess up and then begin to hate it. After this happens, you have to remember why you loved something in the first place. That inspires you and makes you want to become even better at something than you were the day before.


2 thoughts on “Hate To Love

  1. You brought up an excellent point. I think many young athletes (even as young as elementary) give up sports because they get burned out on them. There is so much pressure these days. I miss the days of sports being fun. There are no days of fun. The parents are too demanding. GREAT POST!


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