
Inspiration in itself is the process of being mentally stimulated to do or feel something, especially to do something creative. I believe that everyone is inspirational in their own way. Everyone has a story, and everyone has things that they believe in and stand up for. The one person that inspires me more than anyone is Nick Vujicic.
Nick Vuijcic is a man that was born without arms, or legs. Simply living was a huge accomplishment for him. Instead of letting his handicaps control him, and create a life of sadness and self loathing. He decided that he was going to be an inspiration to others through motivational speaking. He has traveled all over the world talking to people of all ages about the things that they may encounter in life. He has helped them to be able to say no to the bad things, and yes to the good things.
Nick has helped me in my life because he has helped me to know that through everything that life will be okay. This past winter one of my best friend’s life was drastically changed due to a sledding accident. Before her accident she was just like every teenage girl. She played sports, went to school, and loved talking to boys. Since her accident she is now wheelchair bound and she is having to be taught how to do everything again. She still can not respond, except for very minimal facial gestures. Through this entire process I have thought of some of the words that he has said and they have helped me to know that one day everything will be okay.

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